Fill Shifts Automatically – For Nursing Homes


StirrConnect is an elegant alternative to the current process used by staffing agencies to fill job orders. Our solution automates the task of downloading and organizing job orders, identifying and communicating with qualified candidates, and ultimately filling the jobs. Employers can use our web portal to enter job orders while candidates use our mobile app to streamline their opportunities. Job seekers enter their professional credentials along with personal work preferences such as days of the week and maximum travel distance. When a new job order is created, our system notifies only those who are matched by qualifications and preferences. Candidates interact with the app to express interest and employers make the final choice. Reduce fees paid to vendor management systems. Reduce manual processes.




Staff Meets Technology

Our solution replaces the current process for filling open shifts at nursing homes.

StirrConnect is made up of our online platform for entering job orders and the companion mobile app that notifies employees when there is a staffing need.

With the app, candidates enter their credentials and other qualifications. They can also enter personal preferences to strike that perfect work-life balance.

When the manager uses our online portal to enter job orders, StirrConnect sends a notification to the matching candidates who can immediately express their interest.

It’s faster, it’s automated, it’s about time.

Fill jobs with less labor.